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From Wikimania
Wikimania 2006 Program

Come to Wikimania to learn about:

wiki use in libraries | the Semantic Web | community dynamics in Wikipedia | fact-checking and validation techniques | Wiktionary | Semapedia | Wikis in education | the challenges of local cultures in a global project | Wiki use in enterprises | How to set up a wiki community | Fighting vandalism | Wikisource | Open-source communities | Wikipedia 1.0 | Arbitration on a wiki | how to organize a conference in six days | finding information like a professional | Research on Wikis | Wikipedia on mobile devices | the future of Wikimedia

And hear:

Judith Donath on identity | Ward Cunningham on his latest projects | Brewster Kahle on the future of libraries Larry Lessig on the free culture movement  | Karen Christensen on being an encyclopedia editorDavid Weinberger on the future of knowledge | Dan Gillmor on citizen journalism | Jimmy Wales on Wikimedia | Yochai Benkler on the wealth of networksMitch Kapor on the next big thingRishab Ghosh on collaboration | Jenny Preece on communityEben Moglen on the GFDL | Jim Giles on Nature's comparisonFernanda Viegas, Martin Wattenberg and Ben Shneiderman on visualizing Wikipedia | Michael Eisen on academic publishing and open source | Wendy Seltzer and Jonathan Zittrain on Section 230 Paul Kobasa on fact-checking | Gary Price on finding information

...and much, much more

Lightning talks and BoFs
  • Submissions for posters and lightning talks, particularly focussed on the Wikimedia projects, their challenges, current status and plans, are still welcomed; send email to cfp@wikimedia.org for more information. There will also be opportunity for informal birds of a feather discussions to be organized on site; sign-up sheets and materials will be provided. Discuss ideas on the program ideas and discussions pages.
Schedule and Calendar
  • The main conference will be August 4-6th, 2006
  • See events for social events that will be occurring during the conference
  • Conference Schedule
  • Poster session is Friday at 5:30pm
  • Conference rooms: Pound 100, 101, 102 and 107 are on the first floor of Pound. Ropes Gray, John Chipman Gray, and Pound 200, 201 and 202 are on the 2nd floor of Pound. Pound 335 is on the 3rd floor.

Program Committee

The program would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of the Program Committee volunteers, who have put in long hours writing program materials and soliciting and reviewing papers and presentations. Every submission to the conference has been reviewed and discussed multiple times. Questions should be addressed to wikimania-program@wikimedia.org.

Program Leads
2006 Program Committee
  • Angela Beesley - Wikia, Inc. / Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
  • Nicholas Boalch - University of Durham
  • Andrea Forte - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • David Moreno Garza - Debian project
  • Ivan Krstić - Harvard University
  • Cormac Lawler - University of Manchester
  • Joseph Reagle - New York University
  • Dirk Riehle
  • Martin Roell
  • Alex Schenck - University of Rhode Island
  • Jean-Baptiste Soufron - CERSA
  • Jeremy Tobacman
  • Alexander 'Sasha' Wait - Harvard University
Hacking Days and Citizen Journalism
  • Hacking Days: Hacking Days will be held from 1-3 August at the MIT Media Lab. It will be a chance to meet the MediaWiki developers, hear technical presentations, and work on projects. Hacking Days is highly participatory and is geared towards active developers. Registration is separate from the main conference and will be available soon. For more information, contact wikimania-info@wikimedia.org.
  • Citizen Journalism Event will happen on Monday, August 7. Organized by Dan Gillmor and colleagues, it offers an opportunity to come together to discuss the current trends and future of citizen journalism.