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This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2006 (Index of presentations)

Organizational Uses of Wiki Technology

Panelists Karim Lakhani, Andrew McAfee, Josh Bancroft, Ned Gulley, Michael Idinopulos, Ross Mayfield
Track Free Knowledge & Access to Information
License GNU Free Documentation License (details)
About the panelists
Karim R. Lakhani is an assistant professor in the Technology and Operations Management Unit at the Harvard Business School. He specializes in the management of technological innovation and product development in firms and communities. His research is on distributed innovation systems and the movement of innovative activity to the edges of organizations and into communities. He has extensively studied the emergence of open source software communities and their unique innovation and product development strategies. He has also investigated how critical knowledge from outside of the organization can be found and put to use inside for innovation in the biotechnology, life sciences and industrial chemicals industries. He is co-editor of Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software (MIT Press, 2005)
Andrew McAfee is an Associate Professor in the Technology and Operations Management Area at Harvard Business School. He studies both technologies that impose structure on information, processes, and organizations and technologies (like wikis) that let structure emerge over time. He is the author of "Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration," which appeared in the spring 2006 issue of Sloan Management Review. He writes frequently about concepts related to this panel in his blog.

Josh Bancroft works for Intel, and describes himself as a geek, blogger, photographer, podcaster, and technology evangelist. His blog can be found at http://www.tinyscreenfuls.com, where he blogs about mobile technology, life at Intel, and cool internet tools and trends.

Josh has worked in the IT group at Intel for over 6 years, and is responsible for implementing Intel's first company-wide internal wiki, called Intelpedia, which has grown to tens of thousands of users and over 8000 pages in the six months since it's launch. Since then, Josh has become well known inside of Intel as "the wiki guy" (he was already "the podcaster guy" and "the blog guy"), and continues to evangelize the collaboration benefits of wikis (as well as blogs and podcasting) to teams all across the 100,000 person company.
Ned Gulley is a design lead for the MATLAB product team and leader of the MATLAB Central user community team at The MathWorks. He was also responsibile for introducing a MathWorks intranet wiki based on MediaWiki which now receives heavy use. The MATLAB Central site hosts a File Exchange shared code library, a newsgroup, and several blogs, and a wiki. Every six months it hosts an online programming contest, for which Ned wrote the paper In Praise of Tweaking: A Wiki-like Programming Contest. Ned has been with The MathWorks since 1991. Prior to that, he was an aerospace engineer working on flight control research and simulation at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. Ned holds a BSE in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University and an MSE in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Stanford University.
Michael Idinopulos is a consultant and Director of Solution Design in McKinsey & Company's Knowledge Technology Group. He is responsible for McKinsey's internal knowledge technology portfolio, including search, document management, and recent experiments to stimulate sharing and collaboration through wiki technology. Michael holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from U.C. Berkeley. His publications include "Do you Know Who Your Experts Are?" in McKinsey Quarterly and "Telepistemology, Mediation, and the Design of Transparent Interfaces" in The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet (MIT Press, 2000).
Ross Mayfield is a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of startup executive management experience and a focus on helping people and companies communicate effectively.

Most recently, Mayfield served as VP of Marketing for a Fujitsu spinout developing enterprise software for the telecommunications industry and as Interim VP of Marketing for an Immersive Group Simulation provider to military and homeland defense markets. Previously he was CEO of an enterprise risk management software company.

This panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities for using Wikis inside organizations. The panelists will discuss how wikis are being used as tools for knowledge creation and management as well as for organizational coordination in industries as diverse as software development, management consulting, retail and manufacturing. The panelists will use examples of successful and failed efforts of wiki use inside of organizations to develop an understanding of the drivers behind successful wiki usage. Issues regarding technological infrastructure (or how to get traditional IT departments to accept wiki technology), work flow integration (how to make wikis a part of the organization's work practices) and cultural acceptance (what types of organizational cultures are open to wikis) will also be discussed. All the panelists have experience building, deploying and using wiki technology inside of organizations.
This panel includes the following presentations:
4Final edit

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This was a super panel discussion. If anyone wants to contact me (the guy from Honeywell), send me an email Rich Hoeg or read my eContent Blog.

Further Resources

The panelists agreed to share further materials and links about wikis in the enterprise on this wiki: Enterprise Wikimania