
I'm Skyring and I'm a Wikiholic.
I'll try to squeeze in as much as I can online this weekend. Sorry I can't be there, but I've probably had enough overseas travel this year - at least my wife says so!
I was delighted to find, when I checked into my Frankfurt hostel in April, that they were still displaying the "Wikimania 2005" banner behind the desk. So I was there, just not at the same time. This year, right time, wrong place!
The relevance of the photograph? A few hours before it was taken, my airliner passed over Boston. A beautiful clear night and I looked down on the Fourth of July fireworks with delight. We landed at JFK just before midnight, and when I handed over my passport to the immigration official, I looked him square in the eye, smiled, and said, "Happy Birthday!". He blinked, realised what time it was, and smiled back at me.
So, Happy Wikimania everybody!