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From Wikimania


So I registered for wikimania. I don't know anyone else going, but I'm going for all three days. I don't care. It's in Boston, I live 20 minutes away. It would be irresponsible not to go, right? But if anyone is in a similar boat, not knowing anyone and feeling nervous, at least you can know you're not the only one!

Day 1

The first day was wonderful, except that I had to skip lunch and that chance to meet people due to prior commitments, and also had to leave the Enterprise MediaWiki session, which was one of the sessions I was most most interested in, because of prior commitments.

But lots of fun and lots of good good info. Hopefully I'll be able to be more relaxed tomorrow.

Day 2

The second day was more relaxed, as I got to stay the whole day. I had some good one-on-one discussions, particularly at lunch, and very much enjoyed all the sessions I sat in on.

Day 3

Enterprise session was the highlight of the conference for me. The rest of the day was kind of blah, but probably mostly because I was a bit worn out by this point.