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From Wikimania

I'm currently having difficulty getting Wikimania registration to reply to emails.

I'm listed as a volunteer on Friday and Saturday (As the vol coordinator will confirm), but due to spotty internet service and poor timing I was unable to complete my registration before the system was changed Sunday night.

I plan on showing up and con reg with copies of emails verifying this situation. Sure hope someone will let me volunteer for the con.


I'm interested in American History, especially the formative 19th century.

My first attempts to contribute were fill-in articles for the USMC Commandant series, Looper5920 and ERcheck have since made many of these almost artful.

My intention, method, and goal

Precise contruction

conveys exact assertion,
but grasping snowflakes
fallen on outstretched fingers
needs infinite forgiveness.

If you disagree with my constructions or otherwise wish to discuss them, click here.

I prefer to discuss most changes on article talk pages for fullest transparency of process.

If you wish to visit my current project, click here.

If you must contact me more directly, click here.

Articles I either wrote or significantly influenced





Articles I want to help

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